Quarq-Power-Trip-v2Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you’ve heard of Strava.  But just in case you HAVE been one of those sub-rock-dwellers, let’s review:

Strava ia a social media based site in which cyclists can upload their GPS recorded rides.  Not only are they able to see their rides along with other “friends” (much like Facebook in this regard) but they are also able to compete for King Of the Mountain (KOM) segments on various stretches of road.  Usually hill climbs, but there are certain downhills and sprints that are contested as well.

In any case, Strava has been hard at work trying to increase the interactivity and utility of their site.  They’ve added tools to allow you to analyze power meter numbers (premium subscription, of course) and they’ve ramped up the number of challenges they’re offering lately.

Now, I understand that a “challenge” shouldn’t be something easy.  But in many cases, I’ve seen athletes want to take on these challenges and end up wrecking their training plans because of it.  So without further ado, let’s talk about Strava, challenges and training…