Over the shoulder shot, cyclingMainstream advertising has led us to believe that we have to buy things to make us faster: wheels, bike frames, helmets and special clothing are all touted as the quick way to get faster.  It’s also a quick way to drain your wallet.  But if you’re looking to invest in some speed, most of you know that you can’t go wrong with hiring a coach or following a structured training plan.  What you may not know is that you can squeeze even more speed, power and endurance out of the fitness you already have or you can raise the bar on our structured training by increasing your efficiency.

Defined as “accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort”, raising your efficiency will allow you to ride faster, raise your functional threshold power (FTP) and feel fresher at the end of a long ride so you can contest that final sprint.  But how do we accomplish this?  Today’s podcast will discuss how to become more efficient on the bike, including:

  • Positive vs negative self talk
  • Learning to relax
  • Neuromuscular efficiency
  • How to integrate these concepts into your training

Comments and questions are always welcome.