Hanging it up for the off seasonFor years, magazines and forum denizens have discussed and advocated the concept of the “off season” for competitive cyclists.  While the idea of sitting around and drinking beer on the sofa is appealing, it really doesn’t do much for your hopes and dreams of competing next season, finishing that century or stomping on your friends during the Saturday shop ride.  In fact, it may do just the opposite.  You may find yourself digging into a hole you can’t train out of next year.

Why is this the case?

The biggest culprit is the fact that amateur cyclists have always seemed to have taken their training cues from the professionals that they idolize.  Unfortunately, the difference between pro and amateur is not at all inconsequential.  Pros train 40 hours per week and race 90 days per year.  Amateurs train 10 hours per week and race 12 days per year.  Could there be a maybe be a slight difference between amateurs and pros?

Everyone should be nodding their head right now.  Everyone.

Knowing that, should you, an amateur, be following a pro’s training plans and take an off season like they do?

Now everyone should be shaking their heads.  In today’s podcast, I discuss why a pro’s offseason will destroy an amateur’s hard won fitness gains and how your fitness for next season starts NOW.  I’ll also talk about a few ways to keep your mental outlook fresh while maintaining some of the fitness you built this season, such as gravel rides, exploration rides, coffee shop rides, skill work indoors, cross training, and more.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.  Head on over to the Tailwind Coaching Facebook page and post away, and don’t forget to rate the Tailwind Coaching Podcast on iTunes!