When your training is going great, nothing can crush your motivation like hitting a cycling plateau.  Those weeks where you just can’t seem to find a couple more watts, a couple more tenths of a MPH, or a few more seconds on that climb can be hugely demoralizing.  But you have to realize that plateaus are a normal part of training progression and that progression can’t progress forever in a linear fashion.

In this podcast, I’ll teach you a couple of important things.  You’ll learn the questions to ask to determine if you’ve sabotaged your own fitness gains or if you’re truly stuck on a cycling plateau.  If your fitness is stagnant, you’ll find out how to roll with the situation and break through the plateau.

Click through for the show notes, and I encourage you to subscribe to the Tailwind Coaching Newsletter, because I’ll be providing you with a series of workouts to help you punch through your cycling plateau!

Cycling plateauBreaking Through The Cycling Plateau: Show Notes

@5:36 – What is a plateau, is this truly a fitness plateau or is it caused by something else?  3 questions you need to ask in order to determine if the stagnation you’re feeling is really a fitness plateau.

Links mentioned:


[easyazon_link identifier=”B00N2BVOUE” locale=”US” tag=”taicoaandthed-20″]FitBit Charge[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B00N2BW2PK” locale=”US” tag=”taicoaandthed-20″]Charge HR[/easyazon_link] trackers for tracking sleep

Training stress and how it stacks on your daily stress

@18:05 – The non-linear concept of fitness gains, the natural “dip” in fitness and why it happens, setting micro goals to keep your motivation high, possible causes of fitness related cycling plateaus including lack of training variety, how to break out of the plateau and get your fitness moving again.


To get the training plan I talked about in this episode, click on this link to download it.  Don’t forget to sign up for the Tailwind Coaching Newsletter to get my best coaching tips delivered to your inbox, along with a free bonus training plan, updates, and exclusive discounts.

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If you’re looking for a complete training solution, you can pick up your training plans by checking out my modular training plans in my online store.  You should be thinking about fall fitness since those late season races and gran fondos will be here before you know it. Get a head start building fitness and thinking about cyclocrossclimbing, sprinting or preparing for a century ride.  Let me help you out by providing your training path to glory!

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