beginner training resources

Home/beginner training resources

Beginner cyclists tend to follow simple rules when it comes to training.  Ride lots.  Ride often.  You’ll get much better.  But beginner cycling training can be much more effective with some thought behind it.

In these archives you’ll find plenty of information about beginner cycling training, training plans, beginner fitness mistakes and how to get the most out of your riding time.

Beginners Group Ride Skills (Podcast #17)

Group RidingWith the arrival of warm temperatures and sunshine, many people begin to get the itch for company on their rides.  Beginners and long time solo riders alike will begin to start searching out group rides.  But honestly, how many actually attend one of the gatherings?  Why don’t more people try them out?  

In today’s podcast, we’ll talk about some of the obstacles beginners (or advanced riders new to the group riding scene) face, and ways to overcome them.  We’ll also learn some ways to keep ourselves and our fellow group riders safe and happy on their rides.

We’ll talk about:

  • Information you should know before the ride (speed, length, terrain, drop/no drop)
  • How to endear yourself to a new group (show up EARLY!)
  • Finding out information from the group before you leave the meeting area.
  • Learning the importance of communicating with the group.
  • Safe and predictable riding
  • Being able to take criticism if you make mistakes.

Questions and comments are always welcome.  Remember to rate this podcast on iTunes.

Getting Back On The Bike For Spring

shadowbikeWith the arrival of daylight savings time, sunshine and warmth comes the itch to get on the bike and get outside again.  You see, many cyclists spend the winter taking a break from their bikes; snowshoeing, hiking, skiing, and the dreaded gym often take up many dreary winter hours, keeping us fit and strong, ready to ride again in the spring.

But not so fast, and especially not if you’re only a beginner (someone who’s only been riding for 3 years or less.)  There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind as you begin to dust off your bike and head back out on the open road (or trail, if that’s the case.)  After the jump, you’ll learn just what you should be doing to get yourself moving safely and effectively after a winter layoff.

