Motivation Monday: Monkey Knife Fight 9 Recap
If you read my previous “Motivation Monday” posts, you’ll know I was somehow suckered into riding the Monkey Knife Fight on April 14th. I’d suggest you read those posts to get an idea of what I’ve spent the winter and early spring training for. I described it as “a spring classic, Pennsylvania style. That means dirt roads, gravel, steep climbs, shitty weather and lots and lots of fun. And beer. There’s a beer sponsor. I think it’s Funk Brewing, actually.”
Well, the beer sponsor was indeed Funk Brewing (who makes a wicked IPA I might add.) I’ll also add that I was completely correct about the description with one notable, important exception, which I’ll get to.
To get an idea of how I proceeded to tackle a beast like this, check out my previous posts about the training theory behind a ride like this. Yeah, it was lots of muscular endurance and plenty of VO2 max work. No, it wasn’t glamorous at all, but it (sort of) got the job done.
In this edition of “Motivation Monday” I’ll recap Monkey Knife Fight 9, tell you what went wrong and what went right.