Strength training Discussion

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Keys To Effective Track Cycling Training

Track cycling is one of the toughest, most physically demanding disciplines in cycling. These cyclists are the kings of power, finesse, and cunning.  Not only do they have to account for their own positioning and tactics, they have to account for the tactics of the track they’re riding on.  Track cycling training is also quite unlike almost any other cycling training.  Compared to road racers who spend hours on end putting in miles on the road, track training is heavily dependent on strength work and short interval work.

This can be difficult for a lot of cyclists to come to grips with because it’s much more dependent on high-intensity work than other cycling disciplines.

So, if racing on the track or being a stronger sprinter is on your checklist, click through the jump. 


5 Secrets to Build a Functional Cycling Base

The base building phase is more than just long miles and zone 2 efforts in the cold (if you want to know why check out my podcast on why cyclists don’t need traditional base training.)  To properly set yourself up for success next year, you’ll want to put together a complete functional cycling base of fitness that you can build upon and carry through the entire cycling season.

True functional cycling base fitness prepares your body for harder efforts later in the year. It is vital to a long, prosperous riding season. Here’s an example: If you think of your fitness like a house with a weak foundation, you know it won’t last for years upon years. Without that solid functional foundation, your performance fitness will crumble over the course of the season no matter how much you try to train.

Click through for my 5 secrets of building a functional cycling base, share them with your friends and teammates and get on your way to your strongest season ever.  And since not everyone is comfortable with planning their own training, you can scroll down for a discount code that will make it even more affordable to follow one of my downloadable training plans.


The Truth About Cycling Core Strength (Podcast #65)

Core strength is something that most cyclists know about, but don’t tend to train very often.  Even if they do train core strength and stability during the off-season (or the “not so off season” as I call it) they tend to ignore it again once the weather turns nice and on-bike training begins in earnest.

That mistake could not be more damaging to your season long cycling progression.

As you’ll learn in this podcast, the core of your body is one of the most important parts of your power production on the bike.  A weak core can lead to a variety of problems from neck and low back pain to loss of power, fatigue on long rides and unrealized power.  So click through and start learning about what your core is, why core strength is so important and how you can build core strength with a free preview download of my upcoming Unbreakable Core Stability training plan.

Don’t forget to like and share with your friends and help them build their core fitness and strength too!


Maintaining Strength Gains During The Season (Podcast #60)

It’s no secret that cycling requires strength: leg strength, arm and shoulder girdle strength and core strength (and stability) are often overlooked parts of cycling prowess.  I’ve personally seen the benefits of combining moderate strength training with cycling, and I’ve seen clients, athletes and patients benefit greatly from increased strength.

“But cycling is and aerobic sport” I hear you cry.  You’re 100% right, cycling (aside from track sprinting) is predicated on aerobic conditioning and capacity.  However, no sport can exist in a strength vacuum;, and cycling is no exception; lack of strength (especially functional strength) is a short road to injury and underperformance.  Your body needs strength and stability to be able to efficiently utilize its aerobic capacity.  The problem with strength and stability is that it’s exactly like your aerobic capacity in the idea that if you don’t use it you lose it.  I’ve talked about strength training and building strength in weightlifting for cyclists part 1 and part 2, and detailed in my Raw Strength Modular training plan, but an important part of strength training is maintaining the gains made during those winter sessions.  That can be tough for a couple reasons, which I’ll explore in today’s podcast.

Click through for the show notes and learn how to maintain those winter strength gains through the year and set yourself up for even bigger gains next year.

Effective Base Building (Podcast #51)

When you hear the term “cycling base training” many of you think of cycling base training, involving long slogs through frozen tundra and icy winds.  Those of you who are racers or competitive fondo riders may believe that the necessary base miles for competitive cycling are long, boring and low intensity, with little variety.  Other, more recreational riders may think about watching the Tour de France while they spin away on the indoor trainer for a couple hours per week, hoping to get a jump on their group riding buddies.  I’ve got a newsflash for you: those impressions are OLD SCHOOL and couldn’t be further from the truth.

In reality, base training should be taken to it’s most primal definition, one that’s hidden within the term itself.  “Base training” should be the activity done to build a solid BASE for your future fitness, both on and off the bike.

Just like the base of the human body is the core (everything attaches to it, everything works through it, so it’s the true base of the body), the base of your fitness involves the core and everything contained within it, including your heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system.  As an extension of your core, your legs have something to do with this too.  Since they’re the stems that attach your core to your pedals and they are important to build a base of fitness for as well.  So it’s not just accumulating saddle time that should be your focus (although you really do need saddle time), but what you do WHILE accumulating saddle time.

In this episode of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast, I’ll talk about the importance of base training and how you can be more effectively base training than you are now.

Read more after the jump, including:
