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Motivation Monday: Gravel Q&A

It’s been said that there’s no such thing as a stupid question.  And whoever said that is right.  Chances are if you have a question about something, someone else is wondering the same thing.

Gravel questions are one of the most common questions I get these days.  So since a lot of you probably have similar questions, it’s time to answer some of them and spark your stoke for slaying some groad.

It’s time for the Guru of Gravel to answer your questions!

It’s no secret that gravel riding and gravel events have become one of the hottest and fastest growing segments of the cycling world.  Gravel bikes are everywhere and new events are popping up all the time.  But with all the new tech and new events out there, how do you know what bike or event is right for you?

Most of my listeners know that I’ve been riding dirt and gravel for years.  Hell, it wasn’t even a THING when I was riding it and writing about it.  But here we are, and getting dirty is the popular choice for a lot of riders.

That being said, I’ve got a bunch of questions that my listeners and readers have asked me.  And because I’m sure a lot of you have similar questions, I’m going to answer some of them in today’s episode of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast.


Keys to Effective Cycling Interval Training

Many training plans allude to “high intensity interval training” in their descriptions.  The big question is always “what is interval training and how do I know it’ll work for me?”

Sometimes, interval training is well balanced and effective.  More often than not, though, it is overly difficult and non-specific.  You see, designing an interval training program is an art as much as a science.  You have to consider the ultimate physiological goal and figure out how to best get there.  What durations work the best?  What intensities work the best?  How many repetitions are optimal?

These questions are all part of the keys to effective interval training.  Click through the jump and I’ll break down the 3 keys to building your own interval program.  At the end, I’ll even give you some tips that I use to build interval programs for my athletes so you can build your own interval training programs.


How To Return To Cycling After Illness

Returning to riding after an illness can be tough for the best of us.  But returning to training after an illness can be even harder.  Should you be getting back to where you were as fast as possible or just work through it slowly?  How do you go about planning your workouts in order to get the most out of them?  What can you do to avoid getting sick again?

On this episode of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast, I’ll tell you how to get back in the saddle and start your cycling training again after you’ve been down and out sick for a while.  Click through the jump to listen and get a few helpful tips and tricks on how to get your fitness back fast.


Planning Your Cycling Season Effectively

Planning Effectively For Next Season

It’s the end of the cycling season once again, and that means it’s time to start thinking about what you’re goals for next season are.  In past episodes of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast, I’ve talked about setting effective goals and how to plan your season.  In this video, I’ll answer a lot of the questions I’ve gotten recently about planning your season’s training and show you how to use my Season Planning Worksheet to build your season.  I’ll walk through setting your events into the program and setting up your training blocks.  I’ll even show you how to modify and rearrange the training blocks as you add more events during the season!

If you’ve got any questions for me after watching the video, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll help you get your season sorted out!


The HC Bike Tours/Tailwind Coaching 2019 Mallorca Training Camp is LIVE!


Have you ever wanted to head to a training camp in Mallorca like the Pros?

Have you ever wanted to be treated like a professional cyclist?  Do you want to spend a week in an island paradise filled with mountain climbs, beaches, quaint coffee shops, and cyclists?  Are you in the mood to train like a professional cyclist and get a huge jump on your spring fitness?

The HC Bike Tours/Tailwind Coaching 2019 Mallorca Training Camp is the answer to all those questions!

You’ll spend a full week on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca in 5-star accommodations.  Each day, you’ll have the option of several different training rides and routes, each with specific skills and drills built in.  You’ll learn how to train like a pro with Coach Rob Manning and come out of the week with not only huge fitness gains but a new appreciation for how to tune up your own training.

Check it out on the training camp’s page for more information or head on over to HC Bike Tour’s homepage to book now!  Space is VERY limited, so don’t delay!