Juniper Swamp Road.  Joe Bean Road.  Meetinghouse Road.  Stage Road.  They are Battenkill’s iconic climbs.  Now, get acquainted with the dirt of Harrington Hill Road.  The folks at Anthem Sports have seen fit to raise the bar (and your heart rate) with Battenkill’s toughest route to date.  Conquer the 64.5 miles and 5100 feet of climbing that comprises America’s Queen of the Classics with this stellar plan!  Build the fitness and the endurance you need to climb the podium in April!  Workouts will be based on Lactate Threshold Heart Rate or Functional Threshold Power (LTHR or FTP) which you can read more about in this post

Last year, plan users saw an average increase of 22% in their functional threshold!  Using TSS and CTL modeling, this plan is designed to keep building your fitness through a variety of creative workouts.

What the 2014 Tour of the Battenkill plan entails:

  • 20 weeks of training, broken down into 7 base weeks, 8 build weeks, 3 rest weeks and 2 peak weeks
  • Up to 10.5 hours per week of training (in build phase)
  • Build muscular endurance, leg speed skills and rise your functional threshold to survive the test of 65 grueling miles
  • Become proficient in the zone 4 and 5 work necessary to handle changes of pace in the field
  • Become confident riding on dirt roads by doing skills and workouts on unpaved terrain
  • Test your mettle with a “dress rehearsal” workout before tapering into your peak