Training plan support is designed to be used with any of my downloadable training plans. It is not a substitute for individual coaching, and is only designed to help you implement your downloadable training plans to the best of your ability. It is also designed to answer any in-depth questions athletes may have and to allow for minor modifications to downloaded training plans based upon athlete necessity.
- Support for all my downloadable training plans (purchase requires purchase of downloadable training plan(s))
- Multiple purchase options available to match the duration of your downloaded training plan (For example, if using my 12-week base module, I recommend a 3 month Training Plan Support commitment.)
- Allows for 1 email/week to discuss training questions pertaining to your downloadable plan, modifying downloaded plans to fit your schedule, breaking up workouts, fitting training/downloaded plans into your season schedule, etc.
- Does not cover strength coaching, nutrition coaching or general fitness coaching. For that I recommend dedicated one-on-one coaching.