Tips To Crush Battenkill (And Other Gravel Grinders)
So you want to enter a gravel grinder event like Tour of the Battenkill, but you’re worried that you don’t have the skills necessary to compete? Maybe you want to turn down that dirt road that you’ve passed a hundred times on your rides but you’re nervous about staying upright on the gravel? Or perhaps your goal is to tackle some tough, unpaved backroad climbs like those in the Vermont Green Mountains to prove how tough you are?
You’re not alone. Gravel grinder events have witnessed a meteoric rise in popularity in the past few years. They have even spawned a completely distinct line of bikes and equipment. The best equipment in the world won’t help you if you don’t know how to train for a gravel grinder, though. I’ll show you what you need to succeed.
Gravel Grinder Success Is In The Preparation
Many people think that success in a gravel grinder race or event like Battenkill comes on race day. In fact, you can lose an event or miss a target goal by not prepping yourself for success along the way. Whether you’re nervous about riding on dirt roads or how to handle your nutritional requirements, I’ve got a few tips to help set your mind at ease and prepare you for the worst dirt roads you can imagine.
Click through the jump and pick up 6 tips to get you gravel grinding with the confidence of an off-road veteran.