The Pre Race Warmup
Have you ever arrived to a ride a few minutes later than you wanted and just jumped on your bike and rolled off with the group? Do you remember how you felt? I’d wager that you were probably feeling stiff, awkward and it took you a long time to actually warmup to where you were comfortable and powerful on the bike.
Knowing the consequences of “rolling cold” why do coaches and friends alike have to constantly remind each other to warm up before we ride? We all know better, and we shouldn’t have to be asked the question “why should we warm up before we race (or even ride).”
It’s staggering how often I hear this, and it amazes me that people still haven’t accepted that they need to warm up before they hit the road in order to have a good performance. Even more amazing is the number of people who are under warming up, or not warming up to match the effort they are preparing for.
It’s time to put a stop to this; we’ll explore why we warm up, what it does for our body and then see an example warm up workout.