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Functional Threshold Power Training Intervals

Functional threshold power intervals are the staple of any build program.  While VO2 max is the genetic parameter that determines your body’s upper limit of aerobic fitness, functional threshold is the parameter that determines how much (or what percentage) you can use.

How do you build Functional Threshold Power?

Functional Threshold Power really is what most people try to improve in a training program.  While efficiency plays a role and VO2 max capacity is important, FTP is the big comparison number.  Well, W/Kg really is the king, but FTP is the most well known and compared in amateur circles.

That said, how do we go about improving FTP?  Well, you have to have the VO2 max ceiling first.  Once you have that, the goal is to force your body to work right at or just above FTP to create endurance adaptations.  You can do that in a number of different ways, each with their own outcomes.


The Importance of Cycling Pedal Stroke Work

I’ve long been a proponent of tuning your pedal stroke and increasing efficiency to squeeze the most out of your training.  By increasing your efficiency, you increase the amount of power that goes to the pedals.  That increased power translates into more speed and less fatigue.

But how do you go about improving your pedal stroke?  What workouts will help you build an efficient pedal stroke?

Click through the jump to listen to this episode of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast.  I’ll explain the importance of pedal stroke work and how efficiency makes your training more potent.  Don’t forget to like and share with your friends, and don’t forget to rate the podcast on iTunes!  If you want to support the show, consider doing some of your shopping through my affiliate program: remember, it costs you nothing and helps support the podcast.


Motivation Monday: Monkey Knife Fight 9 Recap

If you read my previous “Motivation Mondayposts, you’ll know I was somehow suckered into riding the Monkey Knife Fight on April 14th.  I’d suggest you read those posts to get an idea of what I’ve spent the winter and early spring training for.  I described it as “a spring classic, Pennsylvania style.  That means dirt roads, gravel, steep climbs, shitty weather and lots and lots of fun.  And beer.  There’s a beer sponsor.  I think it’s Funk Brewing, actually.”

Well, the beer sponsor was indeed Funk Brewing (who makes a wicked IPA I might add.)  I’ll also add that I was completely correct about the description with one notable, important exception, which I’ll get to.

To get an idea of how I proceeded to tackle a beast like this, check out my previous posts about the training theory behind a ride like this.  Yeah, it was lots of muscular endurance and plenty of VO2 max work.  No, it wasn’t glamorous at all, but it (sort of) got the job done.

In this edition of “Motivation Monday” I’ll recap Monkey Knife Fight 9, tell you what went wrong and what went right.


Motivation Monday: Pacing For Preservation

If you read my previous “Motivation Mondayposts, you’ll know I was somehow suckered into riding the Monkey Knife Fight on April 14th.  I’d suggest you read those posts to get an idea of what I’ve gotten myself into and where I’ve been so far in terms of training.  The short, short version of it is this: it’s a spring classic, PA style.  That means dirt roads, gravel, steep climbs, shitty weather and lots and lots of fun.  And beer.  There’s a beer sponsor.  I think it’s Funk Brewing, actually.

In past columns, I’ve detailed some of my training theory behind a ride like this.  Yeah, it’s lots of muscular endurance and plenty of VO2 max work.  No, it’s not glamorous at all, but it gets the job done.  In all honesty, training never is glamorous, is it?

I’ve also gone on to explain how you can tell when your fitness has climbed enough for an “out of order” fitness test.  Since then, it’s been pretty quiet.  Why?  Well, there are a couple factors I’ll detail today.  But in reality, it’s just been grinding out intervals and hoping to get fit enough to not die.

And what’s my plan for not dying on this thing?  Click through the jump to find out!


Motivation Monday: Testing Time

If you read my first “Motivation Monday” you’ll know I was somehow suckered into riding the Monkey Knife Fight in April.  I’d suggest you read that post to get an idea of what I’ve gotten myself into.  The short, short version of it is this: it’s a spring classic, PA style.  That means dirt roads, gravel, steep climbs, shitty weather and lots and lots of fun.  And beer.  There’s a beer sponsor.

In past columns, I’ve detailed some of my training theory behind a ride like this.  Yeah, it’s lots of muscular endurance and plenty of VO2 max work.  No, it’s not glamorous at all, but it gets the job done.  In all honesty, training never is glamorous, is it?

Today, I’m going to chat about how you know it’s time to test (even if it’s outside your scheduled testing time) and modify your program a bit.
