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FREE High Intensity Trainer Workout: The Berg Buster Climbing Workout


[dc]S[/dc]hort, sharp and steep climbs are a tough thing for many people to conquer.  I see people have trouble with them all the time.  When a group ride or race hits a small “wall” there’s always a contingent of riders who get spit out the back, then have to chase back on, which is no fun at all.  To help you become a stronger climber, I built a workout based on the small “bergs” featured during the spring classics, which are the most brutal of races.  Designed to build power for short climbs, this FREE workout will train the necessary physiology and techniques to go from last to fast on those little kickers!

To get the free “Berg Buster” workout, all I ask is that you like or share this workout with your friends, and challenge them to become a berg buster!

After the jump, you can pick up this free workout:


Effective Base Building (Podcast #51)

When you hear the term “cycling base training” many of you think of cycling base training, involving long slogs through frozen tundra and icy winds.  Those of you who are racers or competitive fondo riders may believe that the necessary base miles for competitive cycling are long, boring and low intensity, with little variety.  Other, more recreational riders may think about watching the Tour de France while they spin away on the indoor trainer for a couple hours per week, hoping to get a jump on their group riding buddies.  I’ve got a newsflash for you: those impressions are OLD SCHOOL and couldn’t be further from the truth.

In reality, base training should be taken to it’s most primal definition, one that’s hidden within the term itself.  “Base training” should be the activity done to build a solid BASE for your future fitness, both on and off the bike.

Just like the base of the human body is the core (everything attaches to it, everything works through it, so it’s the true base of the body), the base of your fitness involves the core and everything contained within it, including your heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system.  As an extension of your core, your legs have something to do with this too.  Since they’re the stems that attach your core to your pedals and they are important to build a base of fitness for as well.  So it’s not just accumulating saddle time that should be your focus (although you really do need saddle time), but what you do WHILE accumulating saddle time.

In this episode of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast, I’ll talk about the importance of base training and how you can be more effectively base training than you are now.

Read more after the jump, including:
