off season

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Motivation Monday: Gravel Q&A

It’s been said that there’s no such thing as a stupid question.  And whoever said that is right.  Chances are if you have a question about something, someone else is wondering the same thing.

Gravel questions are one of the most common questions I get these days.  So since a lot of you probably have similar questions, it’s time to answer some of them and spark your stoke for slaying some groad.

It’s time for the Guru of Gravel to answer your questions!

It’s no secret that gravel riding and gravel events have become one of the hottest and fastest growing segments of the cycling world.  Gravel bikes are everywhere and new events are popping up all the time.  But with all the new tech and new events out there, how do you know what bike or event is right for you?

Most of my listeners know that I’ve been riding dirt and gravel for years.  Hell, it wasn’t even a THING when I was riding it and writing about it.  But here we are, and getting dirty is the popular choice for a lot of riders.

That being said, I’ve got a bunch of questions that my listeners and readers have asked me.  And because I’m sure a lot of you have similar questions, I’m going to answer some of them in today’s episode of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast.


The Ultimate Guide To Off Season Bike Training

If you’re a cyclist looking to improve your performance, winter is the perfect time to adjust your bike training routine for the coming season.  You can get your plan for next season down and start attacking your goals and objectives early.  And by starting early, you can ensure you don’t panic as you get closer to your season targets.

The thing to remember is that your offseason isn’t a mashup of cross training, strength training and riding.  All of your training should be carefully evaluated and scheduled to maximize the effectiveness of each workout.  In order to do that, you need to get your off-season preparation started NOW.

Click through the break and I’ll show you how to get started on building your most effective off-season bike training program ever!


The (Not So) Off Season (Podcast #27)

Hanging it up for the off seasonFor years, magazines and forum denizens have discussed and advocated the concept of the “off season” for competitive cyclists.  While the idea of sitting around and drinking beer on the sofa is appealing, it really doesn’t do much for your hopes and dreams of competing next season, finishing that century or stomping on your friends during the Saturday shop ride.  In fact, it may do just the opposite.  You may find yourself digging into a hole you can’t train out of next year.

Why is this the case?

The biggest culprit is the fact that amateur cyclists have always seemed to have taken their training cues from the professionals that they idolize.  Unfortunately, the difference between pro and amateur is not at all inconsequential.  Pros train 40 hours per week and race 90 days per year.  Amateurs train 10 hours per week and race 12 days per year.  Could there be a maybe be a slight difference between amateurs and pros?

Everyone should be nodding their head right now.  Everyone.

Knowing that, should you, an amateur, be following a pro’s training plans and take an off season like they do?

Now everyone should be shaking their heads.  In today’s podcast, I discuss why a pro’s offseason will destroy an amateur’s hard won fitness gains and how your fitness for next season starts NOW.  I’ll also talk about a few ways to keep your mental outlook fresh while maintaining some of the fitness you built this season, such as gravel rides, exploration rides, coffee shop rides, skill work indoors, cross training, and more.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.  Head on over to the Tailwind Coaching Facebook page and post away, and don’t forget to rate the Tailwind Coaching Podcast on iTunes!

Coaching: The Myth of More Miles?

Fall easy miles

[dc]F[/dc]all has hit, il Lombardia is in the books, Paris Tours has come and gone, and cyclocross is in full swing.  For those riders who have been training since the dark hours of January, the season has wound down and rides consist of trips to the coffee shop amid the crunch of fallen leaves.  If not for a double espresso run, it’s time to put feet up on the coffee table, read the gossip (USADA decision anyone?) and recover while starting to plan for next year.

Regarding planning for next season, one of the biggest fallacies that I’ve run across lately is explained by the post below:

I’ve been thinking about racing this coming year, but I live in (northern state that gets a lot of snow).  I’m worried that I can’t get enough miles in during the winter to keep me fit and get me ready for next year.  Should I go out during the winter and try to build up my miles in the cold and snow?
