Maintaining Strength Gains During The Season (Podcast #60)
It’s no secret that cycling requires strength: leg strength, arm and shoulder girdle strength and core strength (and stability) are often overlooked parts of cycling prowess. I’ve personally seen the benefits of combining moderate strength training with cycling, and I’ve seen clients, athletes and patients benefit greatly from increased strength.
“But cycling is and aerobic sport” I hear you cry. You’re 100% right, cycling (aside from track sprinting) is predicated on aerobic conditioning and capacity. However, no sport can exist in a strength vacuum;, and cycling is no exception; lack of strength (especially functional strength) is a short road to injury and underperformance. Your body needs strength and stability to be able to efficiently utilize its aerobic capacity. The problem with strength and stability is that it’s exactly like your aerobic capacity in the idea that if you don’t use it you lose it. I’ve talked about strength training and building strength in weightlifting for cyclists part 1 and part 2, and detailed in my Raw Strength Modular training plan, but an important part of strength training is maintaining the gains made during those winter sessions. That can be tough for a couple reasons, which I’ll explore in today’s podcast.
Click through for the show notes and learn how to maintain those winter strength gains through the year and set yourself up for even bigger gains next year.