Cornering: Understanding Apexes (Podcast #57)
Cornering is an important cycling skill to master if you’re going to ride efficiently (and safely) and understanding apexes is a critical part of cornering properly. Since there’s so many potential spots for error, cornering is a fine balancing act comprising a number of different forces, but everything falls into place more easily when you can learn how to cut an apex properly, and how to choose the proper apex for each corner you encounter.
Cutting an apex allows you to do a number of things more safely, including carry a higher amount of speed into each corner. Knowledge of how to properly execute different apexes will also help to keep you out of trouble with traffic, prevent panic braking and set you up for any terrain that’s beyond the curve in the road (even if you can’t see it.) Proper use of apexes will also foster and encourage proper cornering skills like correct weight distribution and looking through the turn to the exit point.
In this excerpt from my upcoming “corner like a pro” online course, I’ll diagram different apexes and explain the nuances of each one. Click through for more information and the key points to take home: