Motivation Monday: Pacing For Preservation
If you read my previous “Motivation Monday” posts, you’ll know I was somehow suckered into riding the Monkey Knife Fight on April 14th. I’d suggest you read those posts to get an idea of what I’ve gotten myself into and where I’ve been so far in terms of training. The short, short version of it is this: it’s a spring classic, PA style. That means dirt roads, gravel, steep climbs, shitty weather and lots and lots of fun. And beer. There’s a beer sponsor. I think it’s Funk Brewing, actually.
In past columns, I’ve detailed some of my training theory behind a ride like this. Yeah, it’s lots of muscular endurance and plenty of VO2 max work. No, it’s not glamorous at all, but it gets the job done. In all honesty, training never is glamorous, is it?
I’ve also gone on to explain how you can tell when your fitness has climbed enough for an “out of order” fitness test. Since then, it’s been pretty quiet. Why? Well, there are a couple factors I’ll detail today. But in reality, it’s just been grinding out intervals and hoping to get fit enough to not die.
And what’s my plan for not dying on this thing? Click through the jump to find out!