Coaching: Rolling A Climb
Most people think a climb is over when you crest the top. That’s just not true. In fact, the top of any climb is just the beginning of something else. And that something else can be one of the greatest tricks in your arsenal.
To put in perspective how you can add a powerful weapon to your climbing quiver, let me ask you a question: How many times have you seen someone crest a climb, only to drop their head and soft pedal (or worse, coast) over the crest?
Let me ask you another question: How many times have you seen determined chaser manage to close a big gap by driving through the crest of that climb?
I know I’ve seen it all the way from the Pro Tour ranks down through the smallest group rides. And I know that the guys riding out the crest of the climb are getting a lot of extra speed that the soft pedalers are missing out on. I’ll also tell you something: the physiological cost of that speed is really, REALLY small.
Read more about getting bonus speed in the hills after the break: