Planning Your Season (Podcast #30)
Do you have goals for next season? Do you want to succeed at those goals and have an even stronger season than you did this year? Do you have a definite plan for how your season is going to go?
I'd wager that most of you want to be stronger next season than you were during this season. If you're among one of the many who read the last question and are shaking your head, today I'm going to help you figure that out.
On this edition of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast, I'll talk you through the process of planning your season. While I won't provide you a training plan, I'll provide you all the tools you'll need to set up your season and build your training schedule properly. As a bonus, I'm offering my season planning spreadsheet to everyone free of charge. I encourage you to download it and follow along as I talk about planning your season goals, races and calendar.
Click through for more after the jump: