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Solos Smart Cycling Glasses Review

Imagine riding in a tight pack, shoulder to shoulder with the rider next to you.  The group rides under the 1K to go banner at high speed, nervously shuffling as the finish line beckons.  You take a split second to look down at your power meter display to set yourself up for the sprint.  In that moment, the rider in front of you taps his brakes and you hit his rear wheel, crashing hard.

Next, imagine flying down a sinewy descent, carving sweeping turns with aplomb.  You glance down at your computer to get a speed check and miss the small pothole in the road in front of you.  Your front wheel hits the square edge and flats the tire, you lose control and crash.

The Solos Smart glasses aim to make those two scenarios a thing of the past.  By creating a pair of cycling glasses with an integrated heads-up display, Solos has put your most critical information right in front of your eyes.  You never have to look away from the road to check your power or speed.  Keeping your eyes on the road keeps you safer.

Do these $500 cycling glasses stack up to their price tag?  Click through the jump and I’ll go in depth on the newly released Solos Cycling glasses.


What is Aerobic Decoupling?

As a cyclist finishes their base training, it’s important to evaluate how strong your aerobic base truly is.  By using a metric called “aerobic decoupling” you can quickly and easily determine if your base work was effective and if you’re ready to progress into harder high-intensity interval training.  But before you can evaluate your aerobic fitness, you need to learn what aerobic decoupling is and how to use it effectively.

What is aerobic decoupling and why do we care about it?

If you’re training with power, aerobic decoupling is a key measurement to evaluate as you perform base training.  Aerobic decoupling is a numerical measurement of aerobic efficiency and endurance.  It’s representative of your body’s ability to process oxygen and produce energy (as detailed in Biohacking Energy Systems) and is a marker of overall aerobic fitness.

Before you can appreciate the value of aerobic decoupling, here’s a refresher about how your body produces aerobic energy and the concept of heart rate drift.

To produce energy, your body takes in oxygen through the lungs and passes it to working muscles via the blood stream.  Oxygen and a fuel (fat, protein or sugars) are processed in the mitochondria to create Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).  ATP is the actual energy molecule that allows your muscles to contract and create pedaling force.  Constant demands on the aerobic energy system can create a phenomenon known as heart rate drift.

Click through the jump to read the show notes for episode 78 of the Tailwind Coaching Podcast:


Vittoria Corsa G+ Review

Vittoria has a reputation for producing some of the best tires on the market.  Their Corsa, with its corespun cotton casing and super gummy rubber is a favorite race day tire.  It’s too fragile for training, though.  The sticky tread can wear in a matter of a thousand miles, meaning you may have to replace your tires 4 or 5 times per season!

That can get expensive, so Vittoria made a few changes.  The revised tread compound and added durability led to the creation of the G+ series of tires.  Click through the jump to read my Vittoria Corsa G+ review and find out if this is the perfect training tire for you.

Vittoria Corsa G+ Review

As with all of my reviews, I’ve run these tires through the ringer.  I’ve got around 1800 miles of smooth tarmac, dirt roads, busted up asphalt and post winter salt under them.  I’ll include my opinions on Vittoria’s technology, tire mounting, actual size, performance and durability below.


Why Do Watts Per Kilogram Matter?

Watts per kilogram is an important measurement in determining your cycling potential.  On the surface, it’s a simple measurement, but it can give a ton of information about your performance and strengths.  But what exactly can you learn about your cycling by looking at your W/Kg measurements?  In this article you’ll learn what W/Kg is, how to use it effectively to plan and execute your training and a couple ways to improve your power to weight ratio.

What is “watts per kilogram” and why does it matter?

Watts per kilogram, often abbreviated W/Kg is a measure of power to weight.  It takes the amount of power you produce at various time periods and divides it by how heavy you are.  Sounds pretty simple, right?  In theory, it is.  But like everything in your cycling training, there’s more to it than just a number.  Click through to learn a little bit more and figure out why W/Kg is so important.


Spring Classics Discount Code!

Spring means a lot of things.  It means the end of a long, cold winter.  It heralds the end of the trainer season and the arrival of outdoor riding.  Roads are clearing, salt is washing away and buds begin to appear on the trees.  Spring also means that classics season is on the professional peloton’s menu.  The world is coming alive and with it, the cycling community begins to emerge from winter hibernation.

Hopefully, you’ve been building some solid base fitness indoors with Zwift and you’re ready to take your training outdoors.  To help you do that, and to pay homage to the spring classics, I’m offering you a chance to pick up any of my downloadable training plans at a discount.

Click through the jump for details on how to grab this awesome deal!
