Cycling Coaching Questions and Answers #3
As an online cycling coach, I get a lot of questions emailed to me. Every so often, I take a sampling of those questions and answer them for the benefit of everyone who listens to the Tailwind Coaching Podcast.
In this Q&A episode, I’ll tackle plenty of training and fitness questions. If you’ve ever been dropped on a group ride, you’ll want to check out what I have to say. Some others have been confused as to the best way to test functional threshold power or evaluate their performance improvements. Folks from the southern hemisphere will be pleased to learn about training in the heat. Beginners get some love with some questions about riding harder vs riding longer and Gran Fondo and long distance racers get some attention with a discussion about long distance training. Finally, check out a basic power meter setup with a question about the bare minimum you need to start training with power.
Without further ado…
Coaching Questions and Answers
Below you’ll find some links and information to expand on what I’ve covered in this podcast. 464yepvn (more…)