Breathing Techniques – Part 1
Those of you who regularly challenge yourselves in hilly terrain will know that a lot of thinking can be done while you’re in the hurt locker. Anything to keep your mind off the pain in your legs is a welcome distraction, and I’m really no different. That why on a recent ride, one of the main things I began to ponder about was something that I rarely (if ever) think about. I’d wager you probably don’t think about it much either, until it is taken from you for some reason.
No, I’m not talking about freedom, money or your car, but the simple act of breathing. Nothing is more ignored on a daily basis but becomes the focus of our attention when we can’t suck in enough oxygen. Climbing is, of course, the perfect time to consider this necessary vital function, since it really comes into the spotlight. Let’s take a look at breathing and what it means to a cyclist.