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Breathing Techniques – Part 1

Those of you who regularly challenge yourselves in hilly terrain will know that a lot of thinking can be done while you’re in the hurt locker.  Anything to keep your mind off the pain in your legs is a welcome distraction, and I’m really no different.  That why on a recent ride, one of the main things I began to ponder about was something that I rarely (if ever) think about.  I’d wager you probably don’t think about it much either, until it is taken from you for some reason.

No, I’m not talking about freedom, money or your car, but the simple act of breathing.  Nothing is more ignored on a daily basis but becomes the focus of our attention when we can’t suck in enough oxygen.  Climbing is, of course, the perfect time to consider this necessary vital function, since it really comes into the spotlight.  Let’s take a look at breathing and what it means to a cyclist.


Tales Our Tape Tells

Dirty 'Cross TapeAside from the saddle, one of the most intimate and tell-tale parts of a bike are the handlebars.  Not only do they mount the “brains” of the transmission (the shifters,) but they are always wrapped in some sort of ribbon like material that gives away some key parts of the rider’s personality.  Is the rider single-mindedly obsessed with speed or is comfort a concern?  Are aesthetics an important part of their values?  Where does cleaning and neatness fit into their persona?  If you stop to think about it, bar tape is an expression of ourselves as riders, as well as your bike’s way of telling stories.  No part of the bike is more visibly affected by daily use and the moments, both good and bad, that stand out in a season’s worth of riding.


Cycling Force Training

Force is simply defined as the ability to overcome resistance.  On the bike, this typically means having the ability to overcome a headwind or battle the force of gravity on a climb.  Unsurprisingly, force tends to be one of the major limiters to many riders’ successes when they get out into group rides and races later in the year.  Thankfully, it is quite easy to work on the force portion of your riding skills both indoor and out, and cycling force work is easy to plan.

Click through for some information on cycling force work and how you can improve your force output.


2012 ProTeam Jerseys – Part 2


Movistar JerseyAfter Caisse d’Epargne departed last year, we were treated to the lime and navy kit accented with white.  A little more white appears along the opposite side panel of the jersey, but otherwise little has changed from last year.

The personnel changes are more intriguing than the kit changes.  Vuelta champion J.J. Cobo has come aboard after the dissolution of Geox-TMC and Alejandro Valverde has returned from a 2 year suspension imposed by the Court for Arbitration for Sport.


Coaching: Base Building Endurance

Endurance pace should be easyThe importance of base building is often overlooked by many cyclists, especially those who have ignored or ill defined their season goals.  Your aerobic base is the foundation for all future interval workouts, and without it, the risk of injury and/or burnout is distinctly higher than in a cyclist with a proper aerobic base.  More importantly, poor endurance will ensure you falter before the end of your chosen events, so while it may be boring and redundant, it is one of the most important parts of your training.
